Magic Movers

— Game Engineer

Global Game Jam 2019 entry


— Lead Developer

"Housing ain't cheap here, mate."

Juicy Shmup

— Game Engineer

"Game juice." -Tad Leckman


— Systems Designer

"Where are we dropping, boys?" -procrastinating student at 2AM

Beat 'Em Up!

— Lead Developer, Technical Designer

"So we could, like, have Mozart fight someone like Tupac?"

World Power

— Systems Designer

"Wait, this board game is starting to look a little too realistic."

Snail Assalt

— Game Engineer, Technical Designer

"You misspelled assaul- oh I get it haha."


Food Now!

— Solo project

"Ew no I ate there a couple of days ago, choose another place." -person who no longer has friends

Pick Up Boo

— Android Engineer

"Why? Because Uber and Lyft cost money of course."

Gotcho Book

— Android Engineer

Creative Entrepreneurship category, 2nd place

Gotcho Back

— Android Engineer

Tech Cares category, 1st place



— For game recruiters

"Most games are just colliders colliding with other colliders right?"


— For engineering recruiters

"Literally for loops"



I am currently a game engineer at Lumosity.

I'm proficient at programming in Java, JavaScript, and C#. Additionally, I've dabbled in a decent amount of C++, Lua, and Python, and I'm quick to pick up languages. I also like to think I have a decent eye for design. I've used engines like Unreal, Unity, and Cocos Creator, as well as frameworks like libGDX and Phaser.

I graduated with a Computer Science: Computer Game Design BS degree from the University of California, Santa Cruz. I've taken various game design and development courses, ranging from programming game AI, to studying procedural content generation, to making games with a studio of talented interdisciplinary students.

Other than game engineering, I have experience instructing a class on game design and development for Android to high school students at Mission Bit, which is a great org with lots of fun people and classes. I will destroy almost anyone who challenges me in Smash there. I led my team for my Food Now! project, and am the lead developer of Shroommates—my senior game design studio project—so I have plenty of experience in teams, leadership, and communication.

I'm currently playing a lot of Apex Legends, Rainbow Six Siege, The Division 2, and Overwatch. Besides those games, I highly enjoy singleplayer games like XCOM, Bastion, Metal Gear Solid, The Witcher, The Legend of Zelda, and Sekiro. Of course, I can also play any Super Smash Bros. game competently (1v1 me anytime).


Phone: (415) 509-0990
LinkedIn: Ryan Shee
GitHub: LIONisaQT

Classes I've taken

Game Design

Computer Science